Tell me what I should do!

Navigating the Search for Purpose with Inner Wisdom and External Validation

I could spend all day, every day, listening to stories about people discovering their purpose. Chances are, you feel the same way.

We humans are perpetual seekers, endlessly asking ourselves, "What is my purpose?"

I'd welcome any medium—be it a YouTube channel, a blog, a book, a podcast, or even a message delivered by pigeon—that could offer insights into finding my life's purpose.

Time and again, I find myself searching for guidance from others on how to uncover this elusive quest.

Even on days when I feel somewhat certain I've found my purpose, I still crave confirmation. I long for someone to metaphorically lift me into the sky and give their stamp of approval, saying, "Yes, you're on the right track. This is indeed your purpose—congratulations."

During a session with my life coach, a moment of clarity struck and the words just flowed out. She quickly caught them, and we noted it down immediately.

Here's what I said:

"I'm here on this earth to create work that moves people towards wholeness."

That’s quite a powerful statement, isn’t it?

So, how exactly do I do work that lives up to that profound statement?

Even with this sense of purpose, I'm still plagued by the question, "Okay, but what sort of work should I pursue?"

This uncertainty leads me to embrace a creative spiritual practice as a way to navigate my path. 

This path isn't clearly marked—far from it. It's defined by feelings, instincts, and subtle internal cues that are trying to guide me. These nuanced signals are my compass on this journey, pointing me through the fog with their quiet whispers. Yet, there are times when I'm too caught up, too self-assured, or too “all-knowing” to heed these signals. And even on occasions when I do notice them, I might find myself too overwhelmed to adjust my course accordingly. This journey requires not just awareness but the ability to act on that awareness, even when it's challenging.

If "spiritual awakening is the process of recognizing our essential goodness, our natural wisdom and compassion," as Tara Brach describes in Radical Acceptance, it leads me to ponder what a creative spiritual awakening might entail.

I suppose it is the process of discovering what creative acts create a holistic spark of inspiration that not only feeds the soul, but also ignites joy in others.

I wonder if this concept is too abstract? Does it resonate as a clear reflection of my deeper, creative impulses?

I’m not sure. 

The concept of a creative spiritual awakening feels intuitively correct, even if I haven't fully grasped its contours. So, I'm committed to continuing this exploration. I'll keep refining, reiterating, and organizing its principles within this creative endeavor of mine, trusting that with each iteration, I'll come closer to understanding.


Taking a Big Swing


Dear Creative Friend,